An NHS doctor has said that people who use private healthcare help reduce the burden on the NHS and people who can afford it, should do so.
Speaking on GB News Dr Toluwa Adepeju said: “I do understand where [Keir Starmer] is coming from, but I also understand that there is a really long waiting list. The problem with that is when people that can afford private healthcare do not choose to use private healthcare, that unfortunately elongates the waiting list.
“I do get where he's coming from, but if you can afford it, then you should definitely use it, because then it relieves the burden on the NHS.
“We definitely don't look down on people who use private health care. If you can afford to use private health care, if it's paid for by a company or there are other means for you to get care then, of course, we do appreciate that.
“We want people to appreciate the NHS and the NHS for people who have no other means, who can't get care anywhere else.
“We definitely don't look down on people who use private healthcare. If anything, it relieves a burden on the NHS.
“[The biggest pressure] is definitely just the time that you need to get things done in, and it's definitely the staff and the manpower.
“Unfortunately, the NHS at present expects us to do the job of two or three people; the funding, unfortunately, isn't there. And that's probably the biggest thing at the moment. Because you know, as one person, you can only do so much.
“Considering that the doctors are currently striking, and obviously nurses went on a strike a while ago, I would definitely increase the rate of pay, because at this point in time, you want to feel valued.
“You want to feel that you're actually getting paid for the work that you're doing that would definitely, obviously, I'm completely biased, but that would definitely be the first thing that I would do.
“As you can imagine as a doctor, I want the 35%. But realistically, both sides have tried to come to the table to figure out a deal.”