Democrats in PANIC as Joe Biden BOMBS in 'disastrous' performance in US presidential debate

Donald Trump and Joe Biden

Trump and Biden are set for a showdown

Ben Chapman

By Ben Chapman

Published: 27/06/2024

- 22:47

Updated: 28/06/2024

- 09:04

Follow along for all the latest updates from Atlanta, Georgia

  • Tonight's debate marks the first of a series ahead of November's election
  • It comes off the back of legal controversies involving both candidates
  • There will be no live studio audience in a break from tradition

Joe Biden and Donald Trump are preparing for their first debate ahead of November's presidential election as the race for the White House heats up.

The debate marks the first major clash for the two White House hopefuls during this election cycle and could be vital for swinging the polls in their favour.

The CNN debate is being held in Atlanta, Georgia, a key swing state which helped tip the balance of the 2020 vote with Biden winning the state by just over 12,000 votes.

In a break from tradition, there will be no live audience, and CNN harbours the ability to shut off the candidates’ microphones when they violate the terms in which they are allowed to speak.

Biden’s team will be concerned about the 81-year-old pulling out another one of his trademark gaffes, but Trump could face more scrutiny over his recent legal travails that saw him dealt with criminal convictions.

Snap poll paints bleak image for Biden

A snap poll, conducted by CNN, shows 67 per cent feel Trump emerged victorious from the debate.

When compared to how voters originally thought the debate would pan out, just 55 per cent were confident of a Trump victory.

On a chastening night for Biden, voters appear to have swayed towards Trump amid deadlocked polls.

Jill Biden claims victory for her husband - 'You answered every question!'

Footage of Jill and Joe Biden following the first debate of the 2024 US election campaign sees the First Lady lavishing her husband with praise.

Jill praises Joe for “answering all of the questions” and claiming he has done so truthfully.


Will Joe Biden survive the night? Analysis by Steven Edginton

It was a massacre. Within thirty seconds Biden had stumbled on his words. Trump grinned with glee, as Biden blinked and struggled through the first question on inflation.

Every year of Biden’s 81 was on display; He looked old and, in keeping with Trump’s infamous nickname, he looked sleepy.


Democrats in chaos, says top analyst

John King

John King says Democrats are asking serious questions


Democrats have been thrown into chaos after Joe Biden’s “dismal” debate showing, according to CNN Chief National Correspondent John King.

The 81-year-old struggled to assert himself as he locked horns with his Republican counterpart and long-term political rival, Donald Trump.


Debate closes - does it spell an end to Biden's hopes for a second term?

Democrats are concerned after watching Joe Biden's performance in his debate with Joe Biden, according to sources.

Two Democratic Party officials have expressed concerns, according to CNN.

The 81-year-old president appeared to have several lapses during his tense debate with his predecessor.

GBN America reporter Steve Edginton has branded the debate a "massacre".

Biden struggles through closing statement

The pair have delivered their closing statements, and it was the incumbent president who struggled most to get his words out.

Biden addressed the 'audience', implying one was present, when in fact this was not the case.

There was no exchange upon the debate's conclusion, with Trump exiting the stage shortly after.

Joe Biden 'has a cold' - claim

Joe Biden

Biden is struggling with a cold, according to sources


Joe Biden “has a cold”, campaign team sources have claimed as the 81-year-old president faces scrutiny over his debate performance.

The incumbent president had two notable moments where he appeared to struggle to get his words out, with his political foe, Donald Trump, even suggesting his opponent “doesn’t know what he’s doing”.


US president says Trump ‘encouraged’ 6 January riots

Donald Trump and Joe Biden

Trump defended himself in the face of questions about his role in the 6 January riots


Joe Biden says Donald Trump “encouraged” the rioters at the US Capitol on 6 January 2021.

He says the former president took no action for “three hours” while his ex-vice president, Mike Pence, “begged” him to intervene.

Biden says the rioters should be in jail.

Trump hit back by saying Biden has destroyed lives of so many people who were “so innocent”.

He also hit out at the House committee that investigated his roles in the riot at the Capitol, branding them the “unselect Committee”, claiming they deleted information on their probe.

Biden grilled on Israel-Gaza war

Joe Biden is under pressure on the matter given the pro-Palestine stance adopted by many younger voters, a core base for Democrats.

Biden says Hamas is the only faction that does not want the war to end as he defended Israel.

He reiterated strong support for Israel and Benjamin Netanyahu as he called for Hamas to be eliminated.

Candidates spar over veterans

Trump and Biden

Trump said the comments he allegedly made about veterans were 'made up'


Joe Biden raised a controversial moment from Trump’s presidency where he allegedly said fallen US soldiers were “losers and suckers”.

“My son was not a loser and not a sucker”, he said. “You’re the sucker. You’re the loser”, he told the former president.

Trump hit back by saying the quote was “made up” and he never said it.

“Nobody has taken better care of our soldiers than I have,” he added.

'He doesn't know what he said!' Trump in brutal brain fog jibe

Donald Trump has accused Joe Biden of “not knowing what he said” as the pair locked horns on the southern border crisis.

The former president said he struggled to follow the comments being made by his successor.

Trump says US has 'worst border in history'

Donald Trump and Joe Biden

Trump hit out at Biden's border policy


Donald Trump says Joe Biden is responsible for a spate of crime, suggesting lax border policies have resulted in deaths and a surge in crime.

He said the 81-year-old has presided over the "worst border in history".

Joe Biden FREEZES mid-sentence before CNN host steps in just five minutes into debate

The first shaky moment has come the way of the US President and it led to Jay Tapper stepping in to intervene.

Trump glared over at his opponent as he had the moment many social media users have branded a "brain fart".


Debate kicks off

Joe Biden

Joe Biden sought to defend his record on the economy


The debate has kicked off and Biden has immediately gone on the defence - blaming Trump for US economy struggles.

He insists he has begun to "put things back together" after years of Covid-caused hardship.

Biden takes to X to mock drug-taking claims

Joe Biden's post to X

Joe Biden mocked the baseless claims


Joe Biden has hit out at claims that he is taking performance enhancing drugs to ensure he is not susceptible to any gaffes during the debate.

Posting on X, the US president said he was feeling “pretty jacked up” while holding a can of his Biden water.

The Biden campaign has been selling the cans online.

Key lines of attack that we can expect - ANALYSED

Donald Trump and Joe Biden

Trump and Biden are set for a bitter battle


GBN America has analysed some of the key attack lines we are likely to see from tonight's debate.

The two foes are expected to get personal with their attacks with both not being on the best terms, evidenced by Trump shunning Biden’s inauguration after failing to concede defeat after the 2020 election.


Host network CNN accused of bias 'garbage' ahead of historic showdown by Tim Young

CNN “can’t be trusted” to host a non-biased presidential debate, according to political commentator Tim Young.

The comedian joined Nana Akua on GBN America to look ahead to tonight’s showdown between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, which CNN will host.


Biden team prepares anti-Trump abortion advert


Biden will attack Trump on his abortion stance


One of Joe Biden’s main points of attack in tonight’s debate is expected to be Trump’s stance on abortion.

His criticism may not be saved solely for the debate, according to US reports, with an advert set to be broadcast during one of the breaks.

Biden will attack the Republican on the overturning of Roe v Wade, the landmark case that recognised a right to abortion.

“These laws are truly barbaric. They are putting us back decades, if not centuries,” a doctor says in the advert, according to CNN. “Donald Trump did this. He put women’s lives in danger.”

Talk over Trump's VP pick heats up - and a candidate who 'terrifies' the Democrats has been mooted

Ben Carson and Marco Rubio

Ben Carson and Marco Rubio are two possible picks


CNN political analyst Bakari Sellers says tonight's debate could provide some indication as to who Donald Trump's running mate will be.

A plethora of names have been linked, but Sellers thinks Trump could opt for a "wildcard".

Two of the candidates he suggested are Ben Carson, a loyal Trump ally who worked in his administration, and Marco Rubio, who according to Sellers would "terrify" the Democrats.

Ben Carson has previously spoken to GBN America about the prospect of being Trump's running mate, and you can read more here.

Trump touches down

Donald Trump steps off the Trump plane

Donald Trump greeted crowds before making a swift departure


Donald Trump has touched down ahead of a big night for the former president.

The 78-year-old acknowledged supporters by waving and applauding before climbing into his blacked-out Chevrolet.

Trump never conceded the 2020 election loss to Biden and broke with tradition by refusing to attend his opponent's inauguration.

Since his failure to win a second term, Trump has been laser focused on seeking to regain power and tonight's clash with his old foe will be key in swinging the deadlocked polls.

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