Christine Hamilton blasts ‘utterly absurd’ call for King Charles to apologise for slavery

Christine Hamilton blasts ‘utterly absurd’ call for King Charles to apologise for slavery
Georgia Pearce

By Georgia Pearce

Published: 21/09/2023

- 09:05

The GB News commentator was speaking on Dan Wootton Tonight

Christine Hamilton has hit out at calls for King Charles to apologise for slavery, amid the ongoing reparations row.

Speaking on Dan Wootton Tonight, the media personality and author slammed the suggestion that the royals should speak out on the historic slave trade.

Hamilton said: “Our Navy, when Britain ruled the waves, we spent a quarter of our navy's budget on trying to stop the slave trade. That was then and this is now.

“What I wish people would do now is concentrate on the modern day atrocities and slavery, the Uyghurs and the Rohingya Muslims and the Christians who have been persecuted throughout the world. And it's utterly absurd.”

Hamilton continued: “If individual people or families like the Trevelyans, the Gladstones, etcetera and Lord Harwood, who apparently says he feels guilt because Howard House was built on the back of the slave trade by his ancestors, fine, do something about it.

“But the idea that the King should apologise? Prince Albert, his great, great, great grandfather, apologised formally on behalf of the royal family in the country decades ago.”

Watch the interview in full above.

Tune in to Dan Wootton Tonight, Monday to Thursday from 9pm, only on GB News.

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