National Trust Scotland reveals Bonnie Prince Charlie’s links to slavery

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George McMillan

By George McMillan

Published: 21/12/2021

- 13:32

Updated: 21/12/2021

- 13:36

A National Trust for Scotland report found descendants of the defeated Scottish and prisoners of war were transported to British colonies where they later owned slaves

The National Trust for Scotland has revealed apparent links between the battlefield where Bonnie Prince Charlie was defeated and the slave trade.

The Duke of Cumberland fought Bonnie Prince Charlie and the Jacobites at the battle of Culloden.

The Culloden site has been added to a list after it was discovered that Charles sailed from Nantes on a French slave ship owned by a plantation owner.

It is the first battlefield in the UK that an official organisation has linked to the slave trade.

A National Trust for Scotland report found descendants of the defeated Scottish and prisoners of war were transported to British colonies where they later owned slaves.

The report was commissioned after Black Lives Matter protests last year and “the lad born to be king” gained financial support and a ship to Scotland from Antoine Walsh, a French-Irish plantation owner.

Scottish historian Sir Tom Devine told The Daily Telegraph “every nook and cranny” of Scottish life had been impacted by the slave trade.