Lee Anderson demands a ‘full apology’ from LBC after ‘pathetic little creature’ was allowed on air after claiming to be his son

Georgia Pearce

By Georgia Pearce

Published: 19/12/2023

- 08:54

The Deputy Chairman of the Conservative Party Lee Anderson has demanded a full apology from LBC after someone called up the radio station pretending to be his son and made false accusations.

Speaking on GB News he said:

“I was I was at a fundraiser last night raising money for the party and I got a call from a GB news colleague, a text message, to say ‘have you heard what's just happened on LBC? ‘

“I said no, and then my phone just erupted.

“I managed to get hold of this clip last night, listened to it, this pathetic, little creature, whatever he is, masquerading as my son.

“To do this is beyond the pale. I'm very disappointed with LBC as well because they just carried on with the interview.

“No checks are put in place and it just goes to show how vulnerable we are as politicians now, or anybody really. Somebody can just make a phone call to a radio station and make these outrageous claims.

“Before I knew where I was this had been shared on Twitter thousands of times, disparaging my good name and the good name of my family. I was absolutely disgusted, and I’d like to have a minute with this chap.

“My sons have got a lot better things to do than call up some tin pot radio station and make these outrageous allegations.

“We're just waiting. I’ve spoken to my line management at CCHQ, they've been in contact with LBC and we're waiting for a proper response.

“I want a full apology. They need to say sorry, put some checks in place in future so this doesn't happen again.

“I come across these imbeciles every day of my working life, but it's not very nice for my children. Yes, they’re grown men but it deeply upset both my children, both my boys.

“They’ve rallied round, especially my younger one. Harry. It wasn't about him, but he was deeply upset that his dad could be accused of doing something like this.

“When somebody says they’re my son, ringing up on a channel like LBC - and we know LBC absolutely detest the ground I walk on, we've seen that with the James O'Brien show. That should be a red flag straight away and it's sorted out on the spot.

“They didn't. They let it carry on. And funnily enough just after that interview, about five minutes later, someone else rang up on their phone-in and said what a brave young man my son was. It’s disgusting.”


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