Army overturns 'ludicrous' beard ban for first time in a century as King signs off on decision

Army overturns 'ludicrous' beard ban for first time in a century as King signs off on decision

Army recruitment has been an "unmitigated disaster", former Armed Forces Minister admitted

GB News
Dimitris Kouimtsidis

By Dimitris Kouimtsidis

Published: 29/03/2024

- 13:26

Grant Shapps had previously called the ban "ludicrous"

The Army has overturned a beard ban for the first time in a century, with soldiers now allowed to grow facial hair.

According to the Telegraph, the new policy has come into effect from today, so that soldiers on leave over the Easter weekend will have time to grow a beard while away from work.

General Sir Patrick Sanders, the head of the Army, took the decision that "the appearance policy will change".

The King, who is Commander in Chief, then proceeded to sign off on the decision.

Bearded soldier looking into bush

The new policy has come into effect from today, so that soldiers on leave over the Easter weekend will have time to grow a beard while away from work


The decision came following a survey of both serving and reservist troops.

The survey findings showed an "overwhelming majority" felt the Army needed to change its policy regarding facial hair.

The move will now bring the Army into line with the RAF and Royal Navy who already permit full beards.

However, the new policy will not be seen as a "free for all" and standards will still be imposed, with any beards grown being reviewed to ensure they are in line with regulations.


Bearded soldier pointing gun

The survey findings showed an "overwhelming majority" felt the Army needed to change its policy regarding facial hair


In a video released to personnel confirming the decision, Paul Carney, the Army Sergeant Major, said: “Our standards can’t drop.

"The Army has a reputation for professionalism and a smart turnout, with our allies and with the British public.

“We must maintain and protect that reputation by continuing to look our best.”

It comes after the Defence Secretary, Grant Shapps, called the ban "ludicrous" amid a discussion on the Army's recruitment crisis.

Bearded soldier

As the Army has struggled with recruitment, it has looked into ways of attracting men with beards to enlist


As the Army has struggled with recruitment, it has looked into ways of attracting men with beards to enlist.

However, there are fears that "dinosaurs" within the Army will disagree with the decision.

Senior defence sources told the Telegraph that sceptics will say gas masks won't fit on unshaved faces.

However, those same sources added that if there's a chemical threat, then the men will shave so that the masks fit.

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