'I lost 6st 6lb in six months through a simple diet change - I barely needed to exercise'

An expert shares the benefits of eating vegetables for weight loss

GB News
Lewis Henderson

By Lewis Henderson

Published: 13/01/2025

- 22:36

Updated: 14/01/2025

- 11:50

The paleo diet has been recommended by the lady as an excellent resource for weight loss

A woman, who lost 6st 6lb in just six months, has taken to YouTube to share how she has been able to slim down so quickly.

Kaitlin put down her success to her diet which is inspired by the paleo diet, which focuses on avoiding dairy products, grains and legumes, such as beans or lentils.

She said: "I personally recommend the Paleo diet to anyone. It eliminates any processed foods, it eliminates all grains, all legumes and beans and also dairy.

"It eliminates anything that can cause inflammation in your body. This is the diet I have been doing for the last six months."

Steak and veg

The Paleo diet aims to cut any foods that can cause inflammation


Kaitlin emphasised that whilst she is not a medical professional, she has done extensive reading into the subject of weight loss and noticed significant slimming from the diet change that she did not feel the need to exercise.

She explained: "For me, I did no exercise. I walked but I do not really consider that exercising. For about the first four months of the last six, I just went walking."

She has incorporated some weight training into her lifestyle and encouraged people to at a bare minimum get out and go for a walk.

"In the last two months, I walk every day and three days a week I do strength training. Move about, walk, if you do not want to do cardio, at least walk at the very least," she said.

For people wanting to take a weight loss journey seriously, the content creator told people to start tracking their food intake.

She said: "Get a food tracker. I tracked my food for a long time and that got me to know when I was eating the right amount of food every day and now I no longer really track it because I've been doing this for a long time."

Whilst it is important to cut down on some calories, Kaitlin said to make sure your body still has the nutrients that it requires.

"Make sure you eat enough. Cut some foods but give your body the food and the nutrients it needs, then it will start losing weight and doing what you need to do again," explained the YouTuber.

Walking stock image

Kaitlin encouraged people to go for a walk


Another tip Kaitlin advised is investing in a watch that tracks your steps and your activity throughout the day.

She recommended: "Invest in a watch that tracks your steps and activity. You can fall into the bad habit of not exercising enough and not moving enough.

"Whenever you see the watch you can see how much you've been moving and you know if you need to move."

People were also recently told the best time of the day to start losing weight.