Driving licence changes could have huge impact with curfews and passenger bans for young motorists

Driving licence changes could have huge impact with curfews and passenger bans for young motorists

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Hemma Visavadia

By Hemma Visavadia

Published: 18/05/2024

- 07:00

Road safety organisations have supported the calls for new licence rules

Experts have called on MPs to support a new driving licence law which could have a dramatic effect on people who have recently passed their practical test.

The Motor Vehicles (Driving Licences) (New Drivers) Bill gained momentum last week and has been widely welcomed by the car industry, with one charity praising how the bill will "save lives".

The new proposals in the Bill aim to tighten rules for recently qualified motorists to ensure they put safety first. This includes placing restrictions on newly qualified drivers for the first six months immediately after they pass their test.

Ross Moorlock, CEO of Brake, said: "We strongly urge other MPs across the House to support this Bill and ensure that we implement the right measures to safeguard those looking to pass their test in the future and make our roads safer for all."

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Learner car

New drivers could face restrictions for six months after they pass their test


The Bill was reintroduced by MP for Batley and Spen, Kim Leadbeater who explained how the restrictions have been "successfully introduced" in other countries.

Addressing other MPs, she stated: “As well as restrictions on the number of passengers in the car and on night-time driving, with exemptions, obviously, for work, medical and emergency reasons.

“Additional options to consider are the inclusion of rural roads, motorways or dual carriageways as part of the driving test.

"A requirement during driving lessons that a driver gains experience on different road conditions, and consideration of the engine sizes new drivers are permitted to drive within the first few months of passing their tests.”

The Bill is being looked at again as road fatalities and serious injuries across the UK have increased recently.

In 2022, 29,742 people were killed or seriously injured in the UK with a total of 135,480 casualties.

Edmund King, AA president, said the organisation "fully endorses" the Bill and hopes it can become law to help prevent so many needless deaths.

He added that improving the safety of newly qualified drivers is "vital" and that he was pleased Leadbeater has chosen to lead on this important issue.

Other road safety organisations and experts backed the Bill, including RAC spokesperson Rod Dennis.

He commented that young drivers, especially men, are far more likely to be killed or seriously injured on UK roads with it being “high time” a renewed focus was given to reducing casualties.

He explained that while passing the practical driving test is the "very first step” in anyone’s driving career, “there remains so much more to learn to become a safe, proficient, and confident driver”.

Sharing his support for the promotion of the Bill, Dennis urged other MPs to back this Bill and set the “wheels in motion” in creating legislation that has the potential to save lives.


young driver in car

Labour MP Kim Leadbeater is trying to pass the Bill through Government


The Bill is expected to have its second reading on May 17 in the House of Commons, where it will be debated further.

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