BBC Antiques Roadshow sees eye-watering valuation over ‘amazing’ family book found in rubbish dump

BBC Antiques Roadshow sees eye-watering valuation over ‘amazing’ family book found in rubbish dump

WATCH HERE: Antiques Roadshow values a unique teddy bear for an amazing price

Olivia Gantzer

By Olivia Gantzer

Published: 01/04/2024

- 14:07

Updated: 20/06/2024

- 15:59

The guest was astonished by the valuation given to the item in the latest episode

An Antiques Roadshow guest was left shocked to discover the valuation of a family heritage book which had been found in a rubbish dump.

Antiques expert Clive Farahar was tasked with sharing his wisdom about an item brought in by a guest, which was a leather-bound genealogical book.

The owner of the book explained they’d found it in a rubbish dump and it featured his wife’s hand-painted family tree.

Dating back to the 1800s, Farahar branded the item “amazing” as he observed it.

Detailing the background of the book, the guest stated: “I first saw this on the internet less than a year ago, and it's all about the Hughes family and their ancestry, which my wife belongs to.”

“So this valuable manuscript with your family in, was found on a tip? They had just thrown it out?” the expert quizzed.

Antiqques Roadshow

Clive Farahar was left stunned by the item


He continued: "I think [it is] extraordinary, I mean you've got sort of 200 pages here, crammed full of every relation you could possibly have.

“And here it is, beautifully bound, there is hardly a mark on it, found in a tip.”

Getting round to the all-important valuation, Farahar valued the item at an impressive £1,500.

The owner was in disbelief as he asked: “Really?”

Antiques Roadshow

The family book had been discovered in a rubbish dump


Elsewhere, an earlier episode saw expert Ronnie Archer-Morgan left amazed by a unique sculpture.

The antiques guru gave the item an impressive valuation, but the owner made her feelings clear as she insisted on not selling the portrait bust.

Antiques Roadshow

Antiques Roadshow's Clive Farahar gave the book a huge valuaiton


Stating he “absolutely loves” the sculpture brought in for him to give his view on, Archer-Morgan continued: “I think it's an amazing, skillful piece of work."

The stalwart later told the owner people would “go crazy” over the item. He went on to predict it could make between £5,000 and £10,000 at auction if it were put up for sale.

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