Sunak left red-faced after approval rating falls to record lows following Tory Conference

Sunak left red-faced after approval rating falls following Tory Conference

Sunak left red-faced after approval rating falls following Tory Conference

Jack Walters

By Jack Walters

Published: 13/10/2023

- 08:49

The Prime Minister is struggling to cut through with voters ahead of the next general election

Rishi Sunak has been left red-faced after his approval rating fell to a record low following Conservative Party conference.

New polling revealed only 20 per cent of voters believed Sunak would make the best Prime Minister.

The total is down five points in just a week.

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer rating dropped modestly from 34 per cent to 32 per cent over the same period.

WATCH NOW: Highlights from Rishi Sunak's conference speech

Sunak’s approval rating is at its lowest since succeeding Liz Truss in Downing Street last autumn.

An increasing number of British voters are not sure whether Sunak or Starmer would make the better Prime Minister, YouGov’s survey for The Times also revealed.

The opinion poll, which was conducted after the Leader of the Opposition’s keynote speech in Liverpool, suggested Labour increased its lead over the Tories by two points.

A whopping 47 per cent of respondents revealed they would vote for Labour if an election was held tomorrow.

Keir Starmer

Keir Starmer delivering his speech at Labour Party conference


Less than one in four, 24 per cent, confirmed they were currently backing the Conservatives.

However, the Liberal Democrats also saw their support drop two points to nine per cent.

The survey will shock Tory strategists who hoped Sunak’s own keynote speech could turn the dial.

It has even been suggested that the former Chancellor was hoping to cut Labour’s lead to just 10 points by Christmas.

Labour’s lead has not been within single digits since Boris Johnson was Prime Minister.

Rishi Sunak

Rishi Sunak


However, Sunak used the Tory Party conference to set out where he stood on major policy areas, including net zero, education and transport.

Starmer announced a few policies but fixated his efforts on conveying his beliefs to the electorate.

The Labour leader is ahead of the Prime Minister on who has a clear plan for the country, who will make significant change and even who is better equipped to manage the economy.

The public also seems to back Starmer’s plan to increase borrowing to fund new infrastructure and pay NHS staff a higher rate of overtime to tackle waiting lists.

Starmer’s policies on housing appeared to split opinion down the middle.

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