The Free Speech Union is one of the most important organisations in the country
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The Free Speech Union is one of the most important organisations in the country and the man behind it, Toby Young, is one of Britain’s most brilliant minds.
I am proud to be a member of a group that was set up to fight the causes of so many ordinary Brits who have found their lives turned upside down after being cancelled by the woke mob - often for holding views the majority of the population actually agree with.
Dan Wootton slams PayPal over their decision to close the Free Speech Union account with them.
Image: GB News
But the key point about the FSU is that it doesn’t matter what you think, or how controversial your opinion is.
As long as what you’re saying or doing is legal they will defend you.
They take no position on the moral arguments themselves, other than your right in a democratic society to think whatever you please and express those thoughts, without facing career or financial ruin.
It should actually be the least controversial organisation in the country when you really think about it.
But we know what’s happened with the crackdown on free speech these past few years, exacerbated by MSM group think and big tech censorship.
Expressing very sensible viewpoints - for example, that Covid lockdowns are more deadly than the disease or the vaccines come with significant side effects or Meghan Markle isn’t a very nice woman - expressing those views could now see you cancelled.
This week, one of those American tech giants PayPal made the chilling decision to cancel the accounts of both the Free Speech Union and Toby Young.
Yup, PayPal doesn’t believe an organisation set up to protect free speech has a right to exist.
It would be farcical if it wasn’t so serious, given the dominance of a company like PayPal when it comes to online payments.
And this is the risk with the march towards a cashless society, where the Canadian government will freeze the bank accounts of the brave truckers.
A campaign to boycott PayPal is gathering steam.
But sadly I don’t think they give a damn. They’re too big to care. Too big to be held accountable.
And this is why we need a much more fundamental discussion about the control the big tech giants have over British civil society - before it’s too late.