Popular pub landlord gives cashless Britons boost by offering 50p off pints
GB News
The landlord’s decision comes just hours after GB News delivered its Don’t Kill Cash petition to Number 11
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A landlord at a popular West London pub has given cash-dependent Britons a much-needed boost by offering 50p off pints to customers willing to pay in coins or notes.
Gerhard Peleschka, the landlord of The Griffin Pub in Brentford, told GB News about the scheme earlier tonight.
He told Nigel Farage: “It’s not [rash]. You see, we done this initiative last Sunday as a trial.
“As a small business, as we are, we are a backstreet pub in Brentford, you want to find out ways to save money because the cost of living is incredible, absolutely incredible.
Gerhard Peleschka (right) and Nigel Farage (left)
GB News
“You just want to see ways to save money. We looked through card payments and it can vary from normal months where card payments are £400.
“When the football season starts the card payments go up to £1,000.
“So we have to pay £1,000 to get our money back. The knock on effect is that everyone just pays with cards, with credit cards, and the fees vary, of course they do, credit cards incredible, debit cards okay but still a burden on you.”
Peleschka, who stressed food at the pub is locally sourced, unveiled the trial scheme last Sunday for Brentford’s 2-2 draw with London rivals Tottenham Hotspur.
The Griffin Pub said on social media: “Hi all. Welcome back to regular football.
“In addition to our burgers, German sausages and general fun as an opening day special Brentford v Spurs we’re offering 50p off every pint if you pay CASH.”
Brentford return to Premier League action this weekend against West London rivals Fulham at Craven Cottage.
Marco Silva’s side go into the second round of fixtures off the back of a 1-0 victory against Everton last weekend.
Tottenham Hotspur's Junior Emerson celebrates scoring his sides second goal during the Premier League match at the Gtech Community Stadium
Peleschka will have to wait until August 26 for the Bees next home match at the Gtech Community Stadium.
However, the landlord’s announcement comes after GB News’ Don’t Kill Cash petition surpassed 300,000 signatures.
Several GB News presenters delivered the petition to Number 11 earlier today.
GB News is calling on the Government to introduce legislation to protect the status of cash as legal tender and as a widely accepted means of payment in the UK until at least 2050.
The Treasury has since announced it will do more to protect access to cash.
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