POLL OF THE DAY: Should Reform UK step aside to give the Tories a better chance at the election? - YOUR VERDICT

Richard Tice

Should Reform UK conduct a deal with the Tories?

Dimitris Kouimtsidis

By Dimitris Kouimtsidis

Published: 01/04/2024

- 14:02

Updated: 01/04/2024

- 15:56

GB News members were asked whether they think that Reform UK should step aside to give the Tories a better chance

A recent survey has revealed that Reform UK could cost the Tories up to 53 seats in the upcoming general election.

A study conducted by Electoral Calculus for the Daily Mail involving 18,000 people in multiple polls forecast that the Conservatives are on course for their worst election defeat in history.

According to the survey, if Reform were to stand candidates in every constituency, the Tories would win just 80 seats.

However, if the two parties were to reach some sort of agreement, similar to that in 2019, the Conservatives would win 133 seats, the survey has claimed.

POLL OF THE DAY: Should Reform UK step aside to give the Tories a better chance at the election? - YOUR VERDICT

POLL OF THE DAY: Should Reform UK step aside to give the Tories a better chance at the election? - YOUR VERDICT

GB News

Nigel Farage, honorary president of Reform, has consistently said that Reform will not do a deal with the Tories to stand aside.

A Reform spokesperson said: “The Tories are, as they always are, so arrogant as to never consider the need for anything else.

“They would be deluded to think they could persuade Reform to call off the dogs. The simple fact is they have nothing to offer the country.

Rishi Sunak

According to a survey conducted by Electoral Calculus, the Tories are facing a wipeout


“So how they can pin their hopes on the undecided 15 per cent, they would have more chancing pinning them on a donkey.”

91 per cent of GB News members who voted in the poll disagreed with the idea of Reform stepping aside to give the Tories a better chance at the election, while only eight per cent agreed that they should.

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