'It's a nightmare!' Britons warned of Christmas medical shortages as common item faces supply disruptions

Britons are warned about medical strikes

Sarra Gray

By Sarra Gray

Published: 22/12/2023

- 16:08

Britons have been warned of shortages of common medicines

The UK could face shortages of common medicines over the winter period.

Britons have been told one type of medicine will not be easily available for months.

The NHS has shared an update for those who rely on ADHD drugs produced by pharmaceutical company Takeda.

The company, which produces much of the ADHD medication used in the UK, will have "intermittent disruptions" in its supply.

Woman in chemist

Britons have been warned of medical shortages


ADHD medicine will face supply disruptions until April 2024 due to a failure in "stress-testing" the products that are developed overseas.

An NHS statement added: "The supply disruption of these products is caused by a combination of manufacturing issues and an increased global demand.

"Other ADHD products remain available but cannot meet excessive increases in demand."

Britons have shared their concern as they notice other popular medications being out of stock in some chemists.

Hydrocortisone, which can be used to treat itching or inflammation, has been off the shelves in some locations.

A social media user posted on X: "Now hydrocortisone cream is out of stock locally. Eumovate (clobetosone) and Betnovate (betametasone) too."

Another stated: "It was a game of 'what’s not out of stock' today….it just seems to be getting worse."

Others agreed and said "it's a nightmare" trying to find the medication they need.

One more wrote on X: "Same with elderly relative's Parkinson's medication.

"I sourced some by phoning round pharmacies, for the second month running, but that's not sustainable."

Medicine on shelves

Some Britons have complained of shortages in chemists


Such medication has only been reported as being out of stock in select chemists and is widely available in others, so Britons should check their local branches for supply information.

This comes as the NHS recently shared record drug shortages and a list of medications running low in the UK.

Pharmaceutical companies were giving Britain fewer medicines due to disputes over high NHS taxes.

A total of 111 products were caught up in supply problems, experts stated, including 55 drugs classed as generic drugs.