Mum's nightmare after 'innocent' children repeatedly look out of window and see sex acts in hotel next door

Premier Inn

A mum claims her family have been repeatedly plagued by unnecessary views of sex acts in a nearby hotel

Georgina Cutler

By Georgina Cutler

Published: 05/10/2023

- 09:25

Neighbours have shared their concerns about a lack of privacy

A mum claims her family has been repeatedly plagued by unnecessary views of sex acts in a nearby hotel.

Amelia Francis, who lives in the Kingsmere Estate in Bicester, said her children have been exposed to acts of sexual nature through the Premier Inn hotel windows.

The 42-year-old mother of three said since the hotel underwent a 56-room extension in 2019 she can see sexual activity through one of the 16 windows visible from her property, as often as every other night.

"Adults do adult things, but I do not want my kids looking innocently out of their home and seeing…all that," she told the Oxford Mail.

The 42-year-old mother of three said since the hotel underwent a 56-room extension in 2019 she can see sexual activity through one of the 16 windows visible from her property,

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“I have to tell my 12-year-old daughter to keep the blinds down when she’s in the kitchen, and to keep her curtains closed in her bedroom.

“I shouldn’t be closed in like this, and neither should my kids. I want to leave the house, I don’t want to be here. It’s not a family home, I don’t feel safe in my house.”

Francis’s neighbour, Sarah Louise Barton, has also shared her concerns about a lack of privacy.

She said: “I have to keep my curtains closed because if they’re open it’s a free for all. The guests in that hotel can see through the whole of my house, and from my bedroom window I can see through at least 10 of the hotel’s windows.


“It’s especially bad at night, when the lights are on and everybody can see everything.”

Barton added that the situation has also taken an emotional toll on her neighbour.

“When I spoke to Amelia the other day she was very emotional. Her daughter has to keep the curtains closed in her bedroom," she said.

“There has to be a two-way system here, the hotel is in a residential area, so they should have stricter guidelines for their guests to abide by. They could at least have tinted windows.”

Francis’s neighbour, Sarah Louise Barton, has also shared her concerns about a lack of privacy


Francis said she has previously been over to the hotel to raise the issue to try and get it resolved.

A spokesperson for Premier Inn said: “This is the first time in the four years the extension has been open we’re aware of a complaint from a neighbour.

“It is definitely the first complaint of this nature, and our team were happy to speak to the neighbour to try to resolve.

“Clearly, we’re sorry the neighbour had an issue that gave rise to her visiting the hotel and we hope it’s an isolated one.

“All our hotels already have a guide to kindness within all our hotels urging people to be considerate to those around them, which covers this off.”

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