Keir Starmer must fire Ed Miliband - Net Zero is killing us and here's why - Kelvin MacKenzie

Richard Tice firmly believes that Net Zero is 'stupid'

GB News
Kelvin Mackenzie

By Kelvin Mackenzie

Published: 31/01/2025

- 12:54

OPINION: Ed Miliband's drive for net zero has been relentless, says former editor of the Sun, Kelvin MacKenzie

I live only 13 miles from Heathrow Airport so you would think I would be hostile to a third runway being built with all those extra planes flying over my home. Not at all. In fact, the reverse. There is a much greater prize; It will ultimately force Ed Miliband out of the government.

When Rachel Reeves announced the Heathrow expansion there was no sign of Miliband although most of the Cabinet were present. His PRs said he was at ‘’meetings’’ but didn’t specify them. It was a humiliation for the Energy Secretary but he made it clear through his ‘’people’’ that he would not be resigning. That was a great shame.

Now, he may not be clearing his desk this time but as it becomes clear we need oil a lot more than we need his lefty rantings he will either resign or be fired. I trust it’s the latter.

Miliband symbolises the Left’s hatred of the free market. A supporter of wealth taxes and as leader of net zero fanatics he wants fewer of us to fly, hates the car and opposes almost anything which brings freedom and joy into our lives.

Why would Starmer have appointed this idiot in the first place?

He must have known that some stage there would be a collision between a stuttering economy which requires cheaper electricity to survive and prosper- our energy is the dearest in the world – and Miliband who, along with his chums, would rather have us suffer than bring in North Sea oil.

That moment has arrived.

In a good piece by Allister Heath, he says the Prime Minister has to choose between an increasingly panicky Chancellor and Miliband. There cannot be a debate. Miliband should never have been appointed to such an important position. A huge error.

We need more runways if only to accommodate the millions who can’t wait to get out of the UK. I’m one of them.

Miliband symbolises the Left’s hatred of the free market, says Kelvin MacKenzie

GB News

The idea that we can ban all new petrol cars just under five years is for the birds. We once had a successful motor industry but today they don’t know whether to build hybrids, electric or petro vehicles which has led to production falling 70% year on year.

How awful is that?

There are other important signs Miliband’s net zero madness is destroying our industrial base. Manufacturing output in September last year was down 8% from it 2021 level and there were further monthly decreases in 8 of its 13 subsectors. Energy production has fallen a whopping 28.5% since 2020.

We are an industrial nation, how can we survive like this? The first step is for Starmer to stop acting like a lawyer and start acting like a leader and fire Miliband.

It would be a great signal to the country, and to the world, that we are open for business again. The other great joy is that it would enrage the Left.

The decision by the courts to stop two North Sea oilfields from going ahead because emissions hadn’t been taken into account is frankly bloody ridiculous. All it will mean is that we will import oil from other countries in the globe which will have emitted exactly the same amount of fumes.

How much more madness can we take? I like Trump’s shout; Drill, baby, drill.

In my case I would say to Starmer about Miliband; Sack, baby, sack.