'I wish I had done it sooner!' Woman, 43, sheds whopping 8st without changing what she eats

Kelly before / after weight loss

She shed 8st by changing her diet plan

Sarra Gray

By Sarra Gray

Published: 11/07/2024

- 12:13

Updated: 25/07/2024

- 12:35

A mother-of-three shared her staggering weight loss results

Kelly Cawthra, 43, from Bradford, lost an impressive 8st and six dress sizes during her weight loss transformation.

She achieved this with the help of new healthy dietary habits and cutting down portion sizes rather than drastically changing what she eats.

Before losing weight, the mother-of-three had a diet heavy in bread, tucking into toast for breakfast, sandwiches at lunch and a carb-laden lasagne for dinner.

While she still enjoys carbs now, Kelly has a much more balanced approach to what she eats.

Kelly before weight loss

She cut down her portion sizes


The slimmer said: "Before, I would have toast with butter and jam for breakfast, a supermarket meal deal of a sandwich, crisps and sugary fizzy drink for lunch and a big cooked meal for dinner such as a massive portion of lasagne.

"I would snack constantly on sweets and crisps throughout the day and would indulge in more crisps after dinner at night.

"Now, I’m much more mindful of what I eat. Breakfast might be a slice of toast with butter, but I spread it out throughout the morning.

"Lunch is lighter, like a soup with some crisps and I still have a home-cooked meal every night, such as a jacket potato and fish, but my portion sizes are much smaller."

Kelly had lost weight in the past with different fad diets but always struggled to keep it off.

"I tried various diets and exercise routines, but nothing seemed to work. It was frustrating, especially after experiencing some success at first.

"I managed to lose a lot of weight at one point, but it slowly crept back because the diets were so restrictive. It was disheartening to see all my hard work undone. It turned out my portion sizes were the issue.

"I didn't realise how much I was eating. I enjoyed eating and drinking and I didn't think my diet was that bad."

As well as cutting her portion sizes, Kelly was helped by a gastric band she got at Weight Loss Riga. This is a type of weight loss surgery for those who are extremely overweight, and the decision to do this should not be taken lightly.


Kelly after weight loss

She shared she has more confidence since losing weight


Previously tipping the scales at 16st 11lb, Kelly struggled with her confidence and hid behind baggy clothes.

After slimming down, however, she found a new lease of life and felt more confident than ever.

"I wish I had done it sooner. I feel amazing now. I’m more confident and I'm enjoying my life so much more," she explained.

"After years of hiding behind baggy clothes, I can wear pieces I never thought I could like bikinis and bodycon dresses, and I no longer feel self-conscious."

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